What makes Arjuna special?


Height: Up to 85 feet.

Important characteristics: Tree; evergreen; yellow flowers; smooth gray skin
Distinctive Features: Sturdy trunk, pyramid-shaped leaves, and star-shaped green flowers.

Latin Name: Terminalia arjuna

Common Name: Arjuna, of Terminalia arjuna.

Family: Combretaceae

Common Name: Arjuna

English Name: Arjuna Tree

Cardiac Tonic

Cardiac Tonic: Promotes healthy functioning of heart, strengthens cardiac muscles.

Stress Reliever

Stress Reliever: Alleviates anxiety and stress.

Benefits and Uses

Benefits and Uses: Ayurvedic Excellence: Used in Ayurveda for centuries.


Balance: Eases both Kapha and Pitta Doshas

Ayurveda Insight

Ayurveda Insight

Taste (Rasa):
Kashaya (Astringent)


Quality (Guna):
Light (Laghu) and Dry (Ruksha)


Potency (Virya):

Post-digestion (Vipaka):


Therapeutic Qualities

Therapeutic Qualities

cardiovascular advantages

cardiovascular advantages:

decreased LDL, better HDL, and more powerful cardiac muscles.
This could worsen the cardiovascular condition.

Stress relief

Stress relief:

Eases worry and jitters.

other uses

other uses:

Helps with scarred livers high blood pressure, and stomach sores.


Bark paste for fractures, acneand ulcers.

Bark powder for heart health. (3-6 gm)

Ksheerpaka for high blood pressure

Ksheerpaka for high blood pressure. (50-100 ml).

Bark paste for fractures, acneand ulcers.

Bark paste for fractures, acneand ulcers.

For Uclers

Use leaves as a covering for affected areas for ulcers

Arjuna supplements
Safety Measures:
People carrying extra weight should stay away from Arjuna supplements. These can boost the fat levels in your body. This might make heart problems even worse.


How much Arjuna bark powder should you take?
Take 3–6 grams of ground bark or 50–100 ml of milk-cooked Arjuna daily. A doctor should guide you to get the best results.
Yes, Arjuna benefits people with high blood pressure. It supports a healthy heart and helps keep blood pressure in check . Ask a doctor how to use it right.
Arjuna is safe if you take the right amount. Too much might cause trouble pooping or upset your stomach. Stick to what’s recommended.